About Us

The Health Informatics Department is a pioneering academic unit dedicated to the integration of healthcare and information technology.The Health Informatics Department is committed to advancing the field and contributing to the transformation of healthcare through education, research, and community engagement.

Advisory Committee

With the essence of the sustainability of the program in every prospective of the academic structure, Health Informatics Program has also been academically supported by national and international advisory board. The Advisory Board ensures that the department’s curriculum remains relevant and responsive to the evolving needs of the healthcare industry by offering insights into emerging trends and technological advancements. Additionally, the board facilitates valuable partnerships and collaborations, opening doors to internships, research opportunities, and funding sources.

International Advisory Board
1 Prof. Dr. Jørn Braa University of Oslo, Norway
2 Prof. Dr. Vajira H. W. Dissanayake University of Colombo, Sri Lanka
3 Prof. Emeritus Dr. Teng Liaw UNSW Sydney, Australia
4 Prof. Dr. Eitan Bachmat, Ben-Gurion University, Israe
5 Prof. Dr. Wong Chee Piau, University of Malaya, Malaysia
6 Prof. Dr. João Carlos Ferreira ISCTE- University Institute of Lisbon, Portugal
7 Prof. Dr. Alvin Marcelo University of the Philippines Manila, Philippines
8 Prof. Dr. Clair Sullivan University of Queensland, Australia
9 Dr. Maya Leventer-Roberts Google, Israel
10 Mr. Derek Ritz ecGroup Inc., Canada
11 Dr. Anis fuad Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
National Advisory Board
11 Prof. Dr. Pradeep Vaidya IOM. TUTH, Nepal
12 Prof. Dr. Narendra Bhatta BPKIHS, Nepal

Subject Committee

The Subject Committee for the Health Informatics Department is composed of a diverse group of experts, including senior faculty members, industry professionals, and academic leaders. This committee oversees the development and continuous improvement of the department’s curriculum, ensuring it meets current industry standards and educational best practices. Responsibilities include evaluating course content, integrating emerging technologies, and aligning programs with healthcare advancements. Their guidance ensures the department remains a leader in health informatics education and innovation. The following table lists the Subject committee members for Health Informatics Program.

Dr. Rabindra Bista, Associate Professor           

  Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, KU, Dhulikhel- Chairperson

Mr. Anil Thapa, Director (Stat.)

   Former, HIMS/ MD/ DOHS, Ministry of Health and Population, Kathmandu- Member, currently Ministry of          Industry and Commerce

Dr. Megha Raj Banjara, Associate Professor

  Central Department of Microbiology, TU, Kirtipur- Member

Mr. Udaya Kumar Dintyala, Executive Director

    AT & T, Hyderabad, India- Member

Dr. Subash Pyakurel

    Founder/CEO Health Concern Nepal- Member

Mr. Santosh Khanal, Assistant Professor

    Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, KU, Dhulikhel- Member

Mr. Kiran Kumar Shrestha, Assistant Professor

          Dept. of Mathematics, KU, Dhulikhel- Member
Mr. Amrit Dahal, Lecturer           Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, KU, Dhulikhel- Member